Canada Drug Pharmacy > Benicar HCT (Olmesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide)

Buy Benicar HCT (Olmesartan/Hydrochlorothiazide)

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Benicar HCT is prescribed to treat cases of hypertension by lowering blood pressure to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Benicar HCT is made up two generic medications Olmesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide to relax blood vessels for better blood flow, and provide a diuretic to induce urination to flush the body of extra salt.

Benicar HCT is taken as a tablet orally once a day with or without food. To avoid frequent urination take Benicar HCT at least four hours before bed. Dose strengths can change based on initial diagnosed and response to treatment.

Allow at least four to six hours before or after taking your daily dose of Benicar HCT if you have been prescribed additional cholesterol medication.

Olmesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide can induce allergic reactions. Make sure you check with your doctor about known allergies, current medication, and any vitamin or herbal supplementation being taken to ensure a safe and effective treatment with Benicar HCT. 

Speak with your doctor about prior medical history if you have had cases of gout, kidney or liver disease, lupus, or any mineral or water deficiencies before taking Benicar HCT.

Benicar HCT can effect your blood sugar levels. If you struggle with diabetes make sure you check your blood sugar levels regularly. Work with your doctor closely if you need to adjust diabetes medication while taking Benicar HCT. 

While taking Benicar HCT you may be prone to dehydration and become more sensitive to sunlight. Limit your exposure to the sun and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Wear protective clothing and apply sun screen to unprotected areas to avoid sun burns.

Dizziness can be induced while taking Benicar HCT. Avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until you are certain that you can perform these actions safely. Alcohol or cannabis can exasperate the dizzying effects and should be avoided. Additional you may speak with your doctor regarding the acceptable limits of these substances.

Some side effects can include:

stomach pain



joint pain

spinning sensation


dry cough


More serious side effects can also include:


decrease in vision

eye pain

symptoms of a high potassium blood level 

unusual change in the amount of urine

severe or persistent diarrhea


If any side effect becomes too severe while taking Benicar HCT contact your doctor or pharmacist for help in managing the side effects. If you experience any serious side effects speak with your doctor for additional medical treatment.

Q: Can I take Benicar HCT if I am pregnant or breast feeding?

A: Benicar HCT can effect the growing fetus. If you are pregnant you should not take Benicar HCT. There is not enough medical data to know if the breast milk can be effected in nursing mothers. Speak with your doctor to understand the risk of using Benicar HCT while breast feeding.


Q: How should I store Benicar HCT?

A: This should be stored at room temperature away from children and pets. Avoid disposal of unwanted or expired medication in the wastewater. Contact a local pharmacist if there are questions on how to safely dispose of unwanted medication.


Q: There are different dosages for Benicar HCT, which one is right for me?

A: Benicar HCT comes in variety of doses to provide different levels of both the generic medications Olmesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide. Your doctor will be able to prescribe the correct dosage based on the initial diagnosis and condition. Follow the doctors prescription to ensure a safe and effective treatment with Benicar HCT.

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